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New car warranty – assurance for quality

Planning to buy a new car? Always look for a warranty or guarantee along with your new car purchase. Your car might be new but still it might encounter some problems or you might find certain parts functioning with less satisfaction. This is where the new car warranty helps to get a free or low cost repair or replacement.

Many car companies give warranty for a period of one year. But still there might be others who can offer a better deal than this. Try to find out the best warranty option by carefully going through the services that they have promised to offer. Many cars start giving you trouble after a year or so, therefore it is good if you can get an extended warranty period. Moreover many warranty schemes will cover very little repair or replacement options. Ask for the best deal as many warranties offer very little service.
Many private car insurance and repair companies also offer auto warranty for new cars. They promise to repair or replace car spare parts with subsidized rates. So whenever you crash or meet up with an accident and when the original warranty given by the car company does not cover the repairs incurred you can always use these private car warranties.

Posted on Tuesday, September 18th, 2007 at 3:20 pm In Auto Warranty  

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