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Read your aftermarket auto warranty carefully!



More often enough, people are under the assumption that their responsibilities of maintaining their vehicle seizes once they get aftermarket auto warranty.  Buying an aftermarket auto warranty however does not necessarily imply that your car’s maintenance and repairs are no longer your immediate concerns.  In fact, it is quite easy to get oneself into a fine mess if not careful about the purchase of the aftermarket auto warranty.  Time and time again you have heard it: “Read carefully before you sign or buy!”  Most people would be surprised to know that the most common reasons for a warranty claim to be denied are because of a lack of understanding of the information within the warranty, or simply the neglect to read the information within the warranty.

Most aftermarket auto warranties require that you service your vehicles at the specified servicing times or mileages specified in your contract.  Even missing a simple oil change can mean that you have broken your contract.  Remember, most companies operate to make money, and where possible they try to avoid paying claims as much as possible.  Do not let their next victim be you – read carefully!

Posted on Tuesday, June 19th, 2007 at 6:10 am In Aftermarket Auto Warranty  

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