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Reviewing auto warranty reviews!

A variety of online auto warranty review sites are now available over the internet that evaluate and analyze the services offered by so-called auto warranty companies.  Some of these companies are in reality are fraudulent companies and publish auto warranty reviews about themselves to fool ignorant prospective buyers into believing that they are real or that they can offer the best services at the lowest prices.  And unfortunately, some people never find out the truth until it is too late – when they try to make a claim or call for some sort of assistance.

Most auto warranty reviews warn prospective buyers about these fake companies by telling them to look out for reviews and other information on claims paid and not paid, but it is still very easy to be fooled on the internet by such companies.  It is very possible that some of the positive reviews that you are seeing and reading about were submitted by themselves!  Some of the better known auto warranty review sites online however insist that warranty companies that have been reviewed by them publish on every page and claim the trademark logo for that auto warranty review site – that way, the reviews are somewhat authenticated back to a site that can be traced or tracked and be held accountable for that review.

Posted on Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007 at 4:48 pm In Auto Warranty  

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