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Hybrid cars have the potential to be very advantageous to car owners all over the world, but there are issues that owners should be conscious of, some of which may require a quality hybrid auto warranty program. Here are some pros and cons:
1. Hybrid cars have a higher mpg (miles per gallon), therefore saving money on gas is an advantage for hybrid car owners.
2. Hybrid cars produce less pollution than other vehicles. Since hybrids use both gas and electric motors, when running on electric, the car’s engine is not releasing pollutants into the air.
3. Hybrid cars produce better performance because the electric engine boosts the power of the gas engine when traveling at lower speeds.
4. Hybrid cars are capable of getting higher ratings for mileage. Contrasting from gas engines, hybrid engines are able to get better ratings for mileage by just making some changes to driving patterns. Hybrids use a method called “hypermiling†in order to improve mileage.
5. The government has given a tax credit to some people who purchase a hybrid vehicle. Some states are also giving tax breaks to people who buy hybrids.
6. Some states give HOV lane use people who drive hybrid vehicles. Some areas even give the drivers of hybrids the perk of free parking. Some states are considering tax breaks for hybrid drivers, while other states already have them available. Also, some companies make money offers to drivers who switch to hybrid cars. It is a good idea to look into these kinds of offers in certain states or businesses when buying a hybrid car.
1. There is some apprehension about the batteries in hybrid cars. These concerns revolve around how long the batteries will last and also how costly they are to be replaced.
2. Safety is also a concern when it comes to getting into an accident in a hybrid vehicle. People question whether or not the larger battery that produces high voltages of electricity can be dangerous if you get into an accident. Manufacturers are designing these batteries to shut down if there is an accident. Unfortunately problems can still occur which is the reason that some emergency personnel are being trained to deal with accidents involving hybrid cars. Other than the possibility of something going wrong in the event of an accident, hybrids can be just as safe as other cars.
3. The cost of a hybrid car is a major setback for consumers who want to purchase one. Though you save money on gas, it may not make up for the expensive purchase price of a hybrid. Also, even though hybrids are known to be reliable, if problems arise, repair costs of hybrid parts could be high.
Overall, these are some good things to keep in mind if you are considering purchasing a hybrid car. A last, and perhaps most important thing to consider is purchasing an auto warranty for your hybrid vehicle as these cars can be quite costly to repair.
The answer is that it depends on the type of oil you use in your car and also how you tend to drive your car. Usually, it is recommended that you get an oil change approximately every three thousand miles. Though if your car is newer and has a newer engine and more improved brand of oil you can get an oil change approximately every five thousand miles.
When thinking about how often you should change your car’s oil, it is a good idea to check the manufacturing recommendations in your owner’s manual. If you bought an older car and don’t own a manual for it, you can order a manual from the manufacturer or go online to look up the recommendations.
When it is time for an oil change you can either do it yourself, if you know how to, or bring your car to a mechanic and they will do it for you. The advantage to bringing your car to the mechanic is that during your oil change they can do a diagnostic check on the car and if they find any problems they will tell you right away and also fix the problem more quickly. It is better to be aware of and to fix problems in advance before something unexpectedly happens to your car. You should also consider getting an auto warranty from an aftermarket auto warranty company that sells new car warranties and used car warranties, depending on what warranty is best suited for you. This could help save you money on costly repairs in the future.
Taking good care of your car can help keep your car in good shape and help keep it away from the mechanic. New car warranties and used car warranties are a good idea to help keep the cost of owning a vehicle down. Keep these simple maintenance tips in mind to help keep your car in tip-top shape:
The battery in your car is a good place to start. Most of the batteries in cars today don’t require much maintenance and are sealed, meaning they can last you up to three years time. If you are having difficulty starting your engine, it is time to for a battery replacement.
The next part of your car to check is your tires. Temperature change can deflate your tires, so it is important to check your tire pressure regularly and make sure that it matches the recommended level for your tires and vehicle. Also it is important to keep a spare tire in your car at all times because you never know when you’ll need it. Lastly, for tires it is important to rotate them approximately every six thousand miles to prevent uneven wear, and when they do become worn it is important to have your tires changed. Checking the alignment of your car is a good thing to do if there is uneven tire wear.
Next up on the list is checking the engine oil. Checking and changing the oil is very important in order to keep your engine running correctly. It is best to change the lubricant on your car approximately every three thousand miles or every three to six months. You should also be sure to check the oil level in your car while the engine isn’t running and the car is parked on a flat surface. If you see that oil needs to be added then either bring it to a shop to get it added, or if you know how to, then add it yourself. If you add it yourself be sure not to overfill because it could harm your car’s engine.
Also, it is extremely important to check the automatic transmission fluid. Find a reservoir marked ATF, which stands for “automatic transmission fluid,†and follow the same procedure as checking the oil level, except you must have your engine running. You should change your automatic transmission fluid about every thirty thousand miles.
Your engine coolant is another thing to keep in mind. Most engine coolant or antifreeze should be changed every thirty thousand miles, or every two to three years. To monitor the engine coolant level, turn your car off and wait for the engine to cool off. Find the coolant reservoir, which is usually a clear tank, and observe the level of the coolant next to the full and low markers.
You should also check the power steering fluid in your car. It should be replaced approximately every three years or every fifty thousand miles. If you have a power steering fluid reservoir, check the level visually. If you do not have a reservoir, check using the dipstick process. Low levels of power steering fluid could mean there is a leak, in which case your mechanic should take a closer look for you.
Checking your brakes and fluid is very important in basic car maintenance. Make certain that the brake fluid levels are within acceptance. Indicators of a brake problem include noise or vibration when you use the brakes. Your mechanic should look at your brakes if you notice a problem.
Your air filter should also be properly maintained. It is recommended that you change your air filter every year or every twelve to fifteen thousand miles. A clean air filter can help your engine run better, increase gas mileage, and cut down damaging emissions.
You should also have your fuel filter checked. It should be replaced each year in order to stop debris from blocking your vehicle’s fuel line.
Windshield wipers and fluid should also be properly maintained. The blades should be changed around every six to twelve months, or when the rubber is worn. Also, be sure to check and refill your car’s wiper fluid every week.
The last part of your car you should pay close attention to is your headlights and brake lights. Turn your car on and while it is parked, have a friend or family member look to see that your lights are all working. If a light is out make sure to have your mechanic replace your bulbs.
In addition, it is important to make sure you have a good auto warranty that can cover you in event that your car is in need of repair.
If you have a new vehicle you normally would not think problems would arise early in the
car’s life. An engine replacement can cost on over $2,000. With a quality extended auto warranty program you won’t be liable for the cost of repairs. But how do you know how to pick the best warranty company?Many people think they need to purchase an extended warranty from the selling dealer when the car is purchased. This is incorrect and can drastically increase the cost of coverage. If you want to be certain that you are getting the best deal you need to check with an aftermarket auto warranty provider such as Auto Advantage Inc.Here are some key things to consider…
First, determine the type of coverage you need and how long you need it for.
Second, make sure that the company you are dealing with is reputable. You can do this by searching the Internet for feedback or visiting the national Better Business Bureau website.
In short, make sure to do your research before making a purchase.
Safety is one of the biggest considerations when purchasing a new vehicle, but it’s difficult to make an assessment on your own. There are many factors to consider when looking at the overall safety of a car. Here are a few of the most important safety issues.
First of all, you want to consider crash protection in a car. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety performs crash tests on vehicles from different directions to rate a car’s ability to withstand a collision. You can access the results of these tests at www.hwysafety.org.
Next, take into account vehicle compatibility. Taller vehicles have bumpers that are quite a bit higher than a passenger car’s. This is dangerous for cars because taller bumpers hit cars above the crumple zone and often inflict great damage on cars.
Rollover resistance should also be a factor in the safety of a new car. SUVs are three times more likely to rollover, according to NHSTA. Rollover ratings are provided at www.safercar.gov.
These are a few of the many safety considerations when buying a new car. Consumers should do their research on such things as safety issues, car prices, and an auto warranty before going to the dealership. It’s best to be prepared so that you can make good decisions.
The purpose of the thermostat in your vehicle is to regulate the temperature of the vehicle so that it remains at a desired level. To do this it controls the heating and cooling mechanisms and controls the flow of heat that goes throughout the system. The thermostat manages the coolant amount in the internal combustion engine. You will find a thermostat in any liquid cooled engine.
If you’re thermostat isn’t performing correctly it may be for a few reasons. First, if the water pump in the car is failing then the thermostat will be affected. The thermostat can also be affected if the engine is overheated or there is coolant leaking.
You should have your thermostat checked out by your mechanic regularly. It holds a key position in cooling your engine, so it should be replaced every few years.
Failing to replace your thermostat when it should be could give you additional problems, such as a knocking noise with acceleration, emission problems, and poor fuel-efficiency. Unfortunately, you never know when car problems will arise, which is why you should have your vehicle serviced regularly and purchase an auto warranty for peace of mind.
Many people believe it is easiest to trade in your current car when buying a new one. However, is trading the right choice for you? There are some advantages and disadvantages to trading.
The big advantage to trading over selling is that you have very little hassle. You don’t have to haggle with buyers and you get rid of your car quickly. However, the fact is that you aren’t going to get as much for your car if you trade it in.
Any used vehicle has a specific retail value. If a dealership is going to sell that vehicle, they will have certain expenses, such as fixing dents and scrapes, cleaning it, and just overhead costs of running their business. Therefore, the dealership has to sell it for a little more than a private owner would.
Since dealers need to make a good profit on used vehicles, they purchase them for less than the retail value. When the dealership takes a trade in vehicle, they are essentially purchasing it from the new car customer, and at a price below the retail value. Essentially, this is called the trade in value.
Although trading in your car is easier than going through the hassle of trying to sell your car privately, you are going to get less money for your vehicle. If you sell your vehicle on your own, you can put the extra money you get towards important things such as an auto warranty and maintenance costs. And with used vehicles, used car warranties are a smart choice.
The decision to buy or lease can be a difficult one. Car shoppers should consider more than just their budget. Typically, leasing tends to be cheaper, but it also leaves drivers with no equity after the contract is up. There are some important factors to keep in mind when making this important decision.
First, you should look at the cost. Consider four factors when you’re thinking of leasing. These are the leases length, the payments monthly, the mileage restrictions, and the down payment. If you exceed the restrictions on the mileage you could ring up big fines. Also, if you hold onto a lease for more than three years you will often have to replace tires and pay for other maintenance.
Next, take a good look at your budget. Leases are almost always cheaper for short-term because there isn’t a down payment and the monthly costs are low. However, leases end up being more expensive than buying a vehicle that you are going to keep for a decade. This is assuming that you purchase an auto warranty with your car so that you don’t end up paying unnecessary expenses. But if drivers prefer to have a new car every three years, leasing is the way to go.
Also, you need to consider your life plans. If you are going through life changes, such as moving far away, or starting a family, you are going to benefit from leasing. This will provide you with the flexibility that you need.
Consider these factors and make a decision to buy or lease based on your needs. Just remember, if you buy, you want to be covered with an auto warranty to save you money on unnecessary repair costs down the road.
Why is it finally acceptable for kids age 13 to finally ride in the front seat of the car? Are they finally big enough to withstand the impact of an airbag? Are they at the age where they can behave in the front seat?
A big part of the problem is behavior. When kids mess with the radio, and play around, they usually aren’t in a proper position when an airbag deploys. In injuries and deaths, the proximity to the airbag in the front is a huge issue; in addition, proper positioning in the seat is a factor. By 13, kids are more able to sit still and behave.
Around ages 11 and 12, children are also bigger physically. This is an issue because it is hard for children to have their backs against the seatback if their feet don’t touch the floor. This means that they scrunch down putting them in a bad position for airbag deployment.
Kids under 13 need to ride in the back seat for their safety. It isn’t worth it to put your child in the front and have them injured by an airbag. Parents are concerned with many things such as an auto warranty, auto loans, and maintenance, but most important is the safety of their children.
More motorists are deciding to switch to hybrid cars for better fuel-efficiency, however, just like any car; hybrids need common maintenance and occasional repairs. A regular mechanic can do work that is routine, yet you will need hybrid-certified mechanics for jobs that are more extensive.
According to a Toyota service director in Tampa, hybrid work at the dealership has been small. There are some vehicles with issues, but for the most part repairs are the result of accidents. The most costly repair on hybrids is for battery replacement. In a vehicle that isn’t covered by an auto warranty, you will pay approximately $3,000 just on the part.
The best thing to do is to find a technician to repair your car before you really need it. This way you won’t have to make last minute decisions. Also, make sure that the technician is certified in hybrid repair.
Finally, most new car warranties for hybrids cover 100,000 miles or 8-10 years. Make sure you know if your auto warranty requires that you get service from a specific repair shop.