Take A Look At The New Coda Electric Sedan
How many people would shell out $45,000 for a little electric car made by the Chinese that has a driving range of 100 miles? Even though it comes with new car warranties and may be eligible to get a tax credit of $7,500, there may not be a lot of people willing to pay the money for this vehicle. However, Coda Automotive will discover the answer to that question next year with the launch of its five-passenger sedan in California.
For those who don’t know, Coda Automotive is actually a spin-off of Miles Electric Vehicles. This car is based on Haifei Auto’s sedan platform, and will drive around 100 miles. There isn’t a generator on-board, so after driving 100 miles the vehicle needs to be plugged into a power source. However, with the optional fast charger, the batteries can be recharged within 10 to 15 minutes.
Many small vehicles that are eco-friendly, such as the Toyota Prius or Honda Insight, have an aerodynamic styling that will communicate their frugal powertrains, however the Coda doesn’t do this. It has the appearance of a people’s car, not a trendy, zero-emissions vehicle.