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Tesla- Possibly A Future Leader

tes.jpgAutomotive performance and sporty looks are brought together without the need for gasoline.

Tesla, based in San Carlos California is trying to reshape the automobile industry.  They recently introduced the Tesla Roadster, and hot looking, future thinking, all-electric sports car. That’s right, it’s a sports car. It is an open topped rear wheel drive and can get from zero to sixty in about four seconds.  A great engine design keeps the car at full torque at all times.  The body, made of all carbon fiber is lightweight and strong. Its Energy Storage System allows the vehicle to get a surprising 250 miles per single charge.

Auto warranty is still a question mark as there are no aftermarket auto warranty programs that currently cover all-electric vehicles.

A real bonus though, is that there are no waste products pouring into the air which eliminates the need for an exhaust pipe.  Tesla said it best when they stated “The roadster offers the power of a sports car, the driving range of a hybrid, and the environmentally friendliness of a bicycle”.

Even at $100,000.00 each, they can’t build them fast enough.  Could all-electric be the future of all cars in the U.S.?

Posted on Monday, January 28th, 2008 at 4:53 pm In Auto Warranty  

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