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The 2011 Ford Fiesta Webpage

images.jpgFord, who apparently loves mini-sites, has started a webpage for the new 2011 Ford Fiesta.  It may be premature, but since Ford is trying desperately to prove itself, displaying some of its cars of the future makes perfect sense at the moment.

Ford displays a few pictures of the vehicle, however, Ford says that they are pictures of the 2009 European model, and also reveals some information about available content of the car.

Since the features appear to be luxury-like, it seems Ford is going to market this car as a premium subcompact that will compete with the Honda Fit.  However, car shoppers seem to care more about standard features, which Ford hasn’t released yet.  But make a note that the 2011 Fiesta will have standard stability control when it is available for sale in 2010.  That’s two years before it is going to be mandated by federal law.

Car shoppers will have to wait for additional information about the 2011 Ford Fiesta, such as prices, standard features, and information about new car warranties.

Posted on Saturday, September 12th, 2009 at 1:53 pm In New Car Warranties  

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