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The aftermarket auto warranty compared to other warranty types


The aftermarket auto warranty is also known as a warranty.  It is the only warranty that can be used to fill the gaps or limitations imposed or left by other types of warranties.  However this comes at a price.  While you should never be asked to pay for a new car warranty, the aftermarket auto warranty has to be purchased – that is the only way that you can gain coverage from an aftermarket auto warranty. This warranty has also been referred to as a service contract – you get what you pay for out of the contract and nothing more or nothing less.


The aftermarket auto warranty is able to extend the coverage period of an existing warranty like the new car warranty or the used car warranty.  For example, if your used car warranty is to expire some six months after the date of purchase, then you could purchase an aftermarket auto warranty for an additional three years.  Note however that the aftermarket warranty can only become valid once the original warranty coverage period has passed in such a case. 

Posted on Wednesday, July 11th, 2007 at 7:09 pm In Aftermarket Auto Warranty  

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