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The Automotive Merger To End All Mergers

manu.jpgWhat would the automotive world be like if General Motors and Ford merged to become one single giant company?  The idea of this potential alliance is very exciting.  Two of the major international automobile players would make industry news and turn the automotive market completely upside down.  If General Motors and Ford put their two very experienced and monumentally influential companies together it would be quite a risky business move.  A general business concern would be what exactly it would do to the auto industry.

The industry would certainly feel the effect of the two automotive giants’ merger, but if it failed both companies would suffer globally.  Many large companies in similar industries have merged successfully but this would be one of the largest mergers in history.  Both companies have a solid reputation and broad product base but may end up competing only with themselves.  Reports of a possible merger General Motors and Ford are stirring up quite a bit of interest in the automotive world.  Just the effects on the auto warranty industry would be enormous.  I certainly am not holding my breath.

Posted on Saturday, February 2nd, 2008 at 2:15 pm In Auto Warranty  

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