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The Benefits Of Buying A Used Vehicle

images-32.jpegMany people have their hearts set on purchasing a new vehicle.  However, if you can get a high quality used vehicle for a fraction of what you would pay for a new car, why wouldn’t you do it?

For example, a 2009 four-cylinder Toyota Corolla has a sticker price of approximately $15,000.  Yet, because of depreciation, that vehicle would be worth around $10,000 three years later.  Wouldn’t it be a smart option to buy a good used vehicle for that low price?  The benefits aren’t just in the purchase price of the car, but also in the money you save on used car warranties and loans.

Before purchasing a vehicle, it is necessary to do your homework.  You can get an endless amount of auto information from periodicals and the Internet on everything from the cost of an auto warranty to reliability ratings.

Many people feel that they are too busy to research cars.  However, it is important to realize that you can save between $6,000 and $8,000 just by doing four hours of research.

Posted on Friday, May 9th, 2008 at 9:46 am In Used Car Warranties  

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