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The Oil Industry Has Experienced Demand Destruction

images-74.jpgIn the oil industry there is an economic term that is quite sinister-sounding being thrown around: “Demand destruction.”

Demand destruction is when the price of a product is looked at comprehensively as too high, therefore causing demand to tank.

So, why would the oil industry be concerned about this?  Well, the fact is that since the summer of $4 per gallon gas, demand has continued to stay low.  American motorists have pretty much completely stopped purchasing cars that get low-mileage and have given up on large gas-guzzlers, even since oil prices have fallen drastically. Many motorists are just holding onto their current vehicles and purchasing used car warranties. People are still driving fewer miles, even as gas prices go down.

Whatever the cause may be of the summer’s oil spike, it seems that there is no going back.  The most solid sign of demand destruction is carmakers’ shift to vehicles that are more fuel-efficient.

It might just be that the most oil-hungry country in the world has finally had enough, or maybe OPEC and the oil industry are driving down prices again as quickly as possible, hopeful for one last hurrah.

Posted on Saturday, October 24th, 2009 at 12:23 pm In Used Car Warranties  

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