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Tire Buying Tips

images-7.jpgMost people don’t find tire shopping to be among one of the most fun things to look for.  For the most part, we just want to find a set of tires that will fit our vehicle, and keep us on the road.  Nevertheless, before tire shopping, read the following tips.

First, always buy new tires.  It is not worth saving a few bucks to sacrifice performance and traction.  Make your safety your first priority, not price.

Next, determine what factory size of tires you have.  To find this out, look on the inner part of the door hinge on the driver’s side.

Shop around for good deals.  Look online in order to make price comparisons, however, don’t forget to factor in shipping and installation costs.  Many times you can find good deals and selections on  Also, you can read customer reviews there.

Finally, research different tires before purchasing any.  Expensive tires aren’t necessary the best tires.

Although you may not be excited to shop for tires, they are a necessary part of your vehicle.  People tend to neglect their tires, but don’t let this happen to you.  Tires are as important as an auto warranty.

Posted on Saturday, August 2nd, 2008 at 10:48 am In Auto Warranty  

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