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Used car warranty law – the ‘sold as is’ policy


One of the popular used car warranty laws out today is the limitation of selling vehicles ‘as is’ without proper documentation in the buyers’ guides.  Even if you choose to sell a vehicle without a proper warranty, which is what the auto sales term ‘as is’ means, the law of several states state that the owners or dealers give you a written warranty.  This warranty allows you to be exempted from paying the fees necessary to repair the car or replace certain defected parts, as seen fit by the dealer.  You are even entitled to a full reimbursement if the car is not fixed after several attempts. This law is referred to as the used car lemon law, and no car can be legally sold by any dealer ‘as is’ under this law.  

It is the consumers’ right to understand these used car warranty laws and not be fooled by enthusiasts who are only trying to profit otherwise. Used car warranty laws are often misunderstood and should be more emphasized. It should be understood, however, that buying a car privately, and not from a dealer, does not guarantee the used car warranty law to be upheld and such matters should be settled via a lawyer. 

Posted on Tuesday, July 10th, 2007 at 2:49 pm In Used Car Warranties  

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