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Warranty Industry Associations Come Of Age

war.jpgUntil very recently nobody believed the auto warranty industry could support a trade association.  But a warranty seminar was held in Detroit and sold out so people will take notice. So who can host a workshop for warranty pros?  The notion of an industry association for auto warranty professionals seems as unlikely as, say, the idea of a publication about the warranty industry. Who would read this, and who would come to the meetings of such a group? 

The answer to the first question is already known. Several thousand auto warranty professionals in 29 countries read Warranty Week either by email or on the Web. The answer to the second question is not known yet. Could there be demand for a auto warranty industry association a warranty interest group? 

It’s up to the readers of Warranty Week to answer the question. Currently, there is no Auto Warranty Industry Association and nobody’s suggesting one should be created.  There is some interest in forming one though. While there is no yearly convention at Walt Disney World for the warranty industry, there might be at some point 

The important question to answer is does anybody know about a group that already exists that may support the needs and interests of auto warranty professionals? And if the answer is no, is there a need for one to be created?

Posted on Tuesday, January 29th, 2008 at 9:09 pm In Auto Warranty  

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