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What does life insurance have to do with car warranty?

A car warranty is like your vehicle’s health insurance – you can use it during the insured period to help with the cost, or at least part of the cost, of repairs to your vehicle.

But just as a person’s health insurance policy is issued based on his or her current state of health, so too is your car warranty issued based upon its age and current state of fitness (which would include the vehicle mileage used to date). Much like your health insurance coverage is based upon your age, so too is your vehicle’s warranty based upon it’s life – if your vehicle is too old or has a high mileage , then it become increasingly difficult to issue a car warranty to cover its ‘life’.
Additionally, a health insurance will not cover you for every single sickness, disease or virus that you may come upon. It does not cover certain fatal illnesses or sudden death coverage. Your car warranty works very much on the same principle. Some warranties, for example, cover the cost of repairs for all the parts of the car while others cover only specified parts. Which coverage you have or do not have depends a lot on the age and health of your car.

Posted on Monday, July 9th, 2007 at 4:06 pm In Auto Warranty  

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