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What Kind Of Hybrid Is Best For You?

images-71.jpegOK, it’s definitely official: Hybrid cars are the wave of the future.  With gas prices over $4 per gallon and oil at approximately $100 a barrel, we need to save on fuel costs.  And, global warming and the air quality concerns make it a good time to take the plunge.  But, which hybrid should you buy?  Here are some factors to consider.

First of all, determine the size of vehicle that you need.  If you need a lot of cargo room and are dead set on an SUV, there are many now to choose from.  However, you have to realize that even the SUVs that are the most fuel-efficient hybrids aren’t going to be as fuel-efficient as standard gas powered sedans, due to their size, as well as the size of their engines.

Also, you need to consider style.  Some motorists claim that the Toyota Prius is the ugliest thing they have ever seen, while others love it.  And people who are environmentally minded like the style of the Prius because it calls attention to itself being a ‘green’ car.  However, if you like a more conventional car style, you might be happiest with the Honda Civic, Toyota Camry, or Ford Escape.

It is time to stop relying on fossil fuels, and hybrid cars are a good way to do that. The type of hybrid you decide on is up to you, so make sure to do your homework and determine which hybrid will suit you the best.  In addition, research new car warranties to protect yourself from unnecessary repair expenses.  Hybrids may be technologically advanced, but they still break down like all other cars.

Posted on Thursday, June 5th, 2008 at 6:20 am In New Car Warranties  

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