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What To Check When Going For An Extended Warranty

Keeping up with the latest auto warranty new guarantees that you get the best warranty deals that are available. Knowing the info on all types of warranties and what they entail is a great way to learn the terms and it may also help to save you money. Purchasing an extended auto warranty once the original warranty on your vehicle expires is a good method of ensuring that you don’t end up with outrageous repair bills whenever something goes even slightly wrong with your vehicle. However, even after purchasing an extended warranty for your car, you might find yourself footing a lot of unexpected bills. To avoid getting these nasty surprises, here’s a small list of things to check when buying an extended auto warranty:

  • Make sure that your company pays actual labor rates instead of what it deems “reasonable” or “standard”, because in the latter case, you end up paying the difference in case your mechanic charges more than the standard rate.
  • Don’t choose a company that puts a cap on the cost of parts.
  • There are warranties that cover only mechanical breakdowns, and not wear and tear. Mostly your vehicle will require maintenance on wear and tear parts, since it’s not everyday that you break something. Make sure that the warranty pays for replacing worn out parts.
  • Similarly, warranties that cover only the engine, drive train and transmission is not very prudent, since it is the various small parts and their repairs that generally act as a strain on finances.
Posted on Monday, April 9th, 2007 at 10:16 pm In Auto Warranty  

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