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Who Needs a New Car Warranty If You Can Afford This?

The week-end is almost here and spring is in the air and wouldn’t an open road in this Spanish beauty be oh so sweet. Yes, we are just looking for an excuse not to concern ourselves with new car warranties or used car warranties or any sort of warranty at all. We are taking a few imaginary breaths of air in the stratosphere where there is no need or thoughts of warranties or guarantees – just a long and winding road before us. We will return to our regular programing shortly, but, until then, we can all dream, right?
This is described by MSNBC’s article as one of the “quirky cars that you won’t see on US roads” and with only 12 made, I imagine that they are right. If you’d like to daydream in deeper detail, here is the Tramontana site.

“The Spanish company A. D. Tramontana created this carbon-fiber road missile as a melding of Formula One cars and fighter planes. With a twin-turbo V12 engine that puts out 720 hp, it’s about as powerful as a race car. The company says the Tramontana was “modeled on the streamlined curves of the Costa Brava’s winds.” A concept version of the Tramontana was shown at the Geneva Auto Show two years ago. The full production version unveiled this year will go on sale this summer in Europe. Typical of European haute couture cars, prices were not part of the announcement. But judging from production that’s said to be limited to 12 vehicles a year — plus an interior treated with gold, silver and platinum accents, as well as stainless steel, exotic leathers and specially treated wood — the Tramontana will be priced such that those who can afford it probably won’t even be asking, “How much?”’

Posted on Thursday, March 15th, 2007 at 12:56 pm In New Car Warranties  

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