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Why choose the aftermarket auto warranty?


The aftermarket auto warranty, also known as the extended warranty, is the one warranty that offers the most flexibility and convenience than any other type of warranty service.  The aftermarket auto warranty can cover any type of auto vehicle.  It can be obtained simultaneously with the purchase of a vehicle, or it can be obtained five years after the date of the vehicle purchase.  It can be used with another warranty type, or it can be used on its own.

But why would you want to apply the aftermarket auto warranty on a vehicle that already has a warranty?  The answer lies simply in the fact that the aftermarket auto warranty is one that is meant to provide a subsidy type of coverage on most vehicles.  You have to pay for the aftermarket auto warranty – it cannot simply be given to you unless you purchase a vehicle with an existing aftermarket warranty that the former owner would have paid for.  The aftermarket auto warranty can be purchased at any time after the date of purchase of the vehicle, and it can even be used to extend the life of a current warranty coverage (you pay for coverage for an additional period of time after your first warranty expires) or the limit of your existing warranty coverage.

Posted on Friday, July 20th, 2007 at 1:59 pm In Aftermarket Auto Warranty  

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