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You can’t take the risk

Hey did you check the warranty card for the plasma you bought? Off course you did. And what about your new $ 2000 cells phone yes you did. But wait, you drive every morning to your office on your S.U.V which contains complicated machinery known as the engine. It is more likely known as the auto. You cannot afford to take the chance of not claiming your auto warranty when you purchased the S.U.V. What if the engine is malfunctioning and it’s consuming more gas then you ever expected? What if one evening when you were going for a holiday to a hill station with your spouse and children when your journey came to a halt as soon as that engine ceased due to low level of engine oil? Don’t have the sufficient cash in your pocket to fix the engine? You can avoid it from happening in real. All you have to do is to check for the auto warranty while purchasing the new car.
Most companies charge a little to provide you with the auto warranty while purchasing a new car. The contract is on yearly basis just like the case with car warranty. Don’t let a little mistake ruin your big day.

Posted on Wednesday, August 1st, 2007 at 5:48 pm In Auto Warranty  

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