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Archive for February 2nd, 2008

Vehicle Manufacturers Have To Make Auto Warranty Adjustments

There’s no arguing that 2008 is a very important year for the automotive industry.  Consistent recalls, the fuel crisis, and many public-relations situations have automobile manufactures struggling to keep their customers loyal.  It will be interesting to watch during the year to see what makes and models can avoid a continuous downward slide of sales. […]

Can US Auto Makers Keep Up With The Asians

The worldwide competition frenzy between the United States’ automobile manufacturers and many Asian automotive manufacturers rages on.  Especially now, with the recent concerns over vehicle fuel efficiency ratings and global gas prices.  Statistics now show a growing competition between carmakers here in the US and abroad as industry commonsense has everybody attempting to make more […]

The Automotive Merger To End All Mergers

What would the automotive world be like if General Motors and Ford merged to become one single giant company?  The idea of this potential alliance is very exciting.  Two of the major international automobile players would make industry news and turn the automotive market completely upside down.  If General Motors and Ford put their two […]

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